Netskrt CEO to address UK train operators at Accelerate Rail 2020 in London

The session will explore how rail operators can give passengers what they really want—access to streaming, high-def internet video

LONDON, Mar. 2, 2020, Netskrt Systems today announced that co-founder and CEO Siegfried (Sig) Luft will host an informative session at the Accelerate Rail 2020 conference in London exploring a vexing problem for rail operators: how to deliver a better video experience to their passengers. Most rail operators already offer Wi-Fi access to the internet and, in some cases, walled garden (i.e., onboard) video on demand (VOD) services. But the advent of streaming internet video from media providers such as BBC and Amazon completely alters the manner in which consumers enjoy video entertainment. This presents an intractable problem for rail operators as there is simply not enough wireless capacity to enable streaming internet video.

However, emerging technologies are, for the first time, allowing rail operators to deliver what their passengers are demanding, i.e., unfettered access to streaming internet video. This new technology leverages cloud analytics and hyper-scale storage to extend content delivery networks (CDNs), which have been part of the internet landscape for decades, to the train. The result is a mobile CDN (mCDN) that delivers a better passenger experience while reducing long-term operating costs.

Siegried Luft, Co-Founder and CEO of Netskrt
Title: Faster internet streaming: meeting passenger demands for video
Speaker: Siegfried Luft, co-founder and CEO, Netskrt Systems
Where: Accelerate Rail 2020, Hilton Tower Bridge, London
When: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Time: 3:05 PM

According Netskrt co-founder and CEO Sig Luft, “The shift in passenger video demands has been rapid and pointed in one direction. They want the same options they enjoy at home regardless of where they are, even while travelling by rail. The good news for rail operators is that emerging technologies, such as the mCDN, not only address passenger demands, they also improve the internet experience for all passengers and allow rail operators to get out of the entertainment business.”

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